Understanding the Benefits of Keeping Your AC Filters Clean

First-time homeowners—or homeowners who don’t know much about AC units—may be shocked to find out that their air conditioners in Camden County, GA have air filters that need to be kept clean at all times. What’s even more surprising is that keeping air filters clean is a DIY job that anyone can do! Here are just three of the numerous benefits that come with keeping your air filters clean:

  • Clean air filters keep your home allergen-free: As a homeowner, you want to do everything you can to keep your home clean from allergens, bacteria and other nasty contaminants that can make your family sick. That’s why you will keep up with mopping the floors and cleaning up any spills or dirt. But did you know that a lot of the dust and allergens in homes comes out of air ducts and vents? It’s true! Air filters do wonders to block that nasty stuff, but only if they’re kept clean. Replace your air filters often to ensure they’re working as best they can to keep harmful allergens, dirt and bacteria out of your indoor air.

  • Clean air filters help ensure efficiency: You’re going to need to keep your air filters clean if you want to keep your home as cool as possible during the summer, while also ensuring your monthly electric bill is as low as possible. Clean air filters will help keep your unit operating at 100 percent efficiency. A more efficient unit won’t have to work as hard to keep your home cool, so you can rest easy knowing that your utility bill will be low—much like your indoor temperature! If you consistently replace your air filters, but still notice that your unit is performing poorly, it’s time to give professional HVAC contractors a call. The pros can repair whatever problem your unit is having, or recommend and install a new one if your unit is damaged beyond repair.

  • Clean air filters help prevent the need for repairs: Speaking of needing to repair or replace your unit, clean air filters can help mitigate the need to call the pros to repair air conditioners in Camden County, GA! Air filters prevent dirt and grime from getting into your unit and wreaking havoc. Dirt can get inside the unit and block blowers and damage the coils that ensure your unit works correctly. Repairs can be expensive. Ensure you don’t need to spend your hard-earned money by simply picking up a new air filter at a hardware store. Air filters are very inexpensive and easy to replace. They only cost a few dollars and can be replaced in just a few minutes. If you’re unsure of how to replace your air filter, just give us a call! We’d be happy to walk you through the process.

Don’t forget to call Sam Pickren Air Conditioning & Heating every spring to completely service your air conditioners in Camden County, GA. A quick maintenance visit from one of our professionals will ensure your unit runs efficiently all summer long. Give us a call today to schedule a maintenance appointment or to learn about any of our other services!